
N16X1 - NME-FTP fringe test - selected results from the JIVE SFXC software correlator

November 7, 2016

512 Mbps, 16 BBCs, 8MHz filters, 2-bit sampling
Ef as the reference antenna

scan02 Wb, Ef, Mc, Nt, O6, T6, Ur, Ys, Sv, Zc, Bd, Ir, Km : 2 sec integration time source=J1927+7358

scan05 Wb, Ef, Mc, Nt, O6, T6, Ur, Ys, Sv, Zc, Bd, Ir, Km : 2 sec integration time source=J1927+7358

scan08 Wb, Ef, Mc, Nt, O6, T6, Ur, Ys, Sv, Zc, Bd, Ir, Km : 2 sec integration time source=J1927+7358

scan11 Wb, Ef, Mc, Nt, O6, T6, Ur, Ys, Sv, Zc, Bd, Ir, Km : 2 sec integration time source=J1927+7358

scan14 Wb, Ef, Mc, Nt, O6, T6, Ur, Ys, Sv, Zc, Bd, Ir, Km : 2 sec integration time source=J1927+7358

scan17 Wb, Ef, Mc, Nt, O6, T6, Ur, Ys, Sv, Zc, Bd, Ir, Km : 2 sec integration time source=J1927+7358