
FR022 - 2 Gbps DDC test using the v105E firmware - selected results from the JIVE SFXC software correlator

Mar 06, 2015

Mode: 2048 Mbps, 16 BBC channels, 32 Mhz filters, 2-bit sampling

scan02 Bd, Ef, Hh, Nt, On, Sv, Ys, Zc: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

scan02 (Wb as the freq setup reference station) Bd, Ef, Hh, Jb, Nt, On, Sv, Tr, Wb, Ys, Zc: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

scan02 (Tr as the freq setup reference station) Bd, Ef, Hh, Jb, Nt, On, Sv, Tr, Zc: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

scan05 Bd, Ef, Hh, Nt, On, Sv, Ys, Zc: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

scan05 (Wb as the freq setup reference station) Bd, Ef, Hh, Jb, Nt, On, Sv, Tr, Wb, Ys, Zc: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

scan05 (Tr as the freq setup reference station) Bd, Ef, Hh, Nt, On, Sv, Tr, Ys, Zc: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

scan08 Bd, Ef, Hh, Mc, Nt, On, Sv, Ys, Zc: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

scan08 (Wb as the freq setup reference station) Bd, Ef, Hh, Jb, Nt, On, Sv, Tr, Wb, Ys, Zc: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

scan08 (Tr as the freq setup reference station) Bd, Ef, Hh, Nt, On, Sv, Tr, Ys, Zc: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

scan11 Bd, Ef, Hh, Jb, Mc, Nt, On, Sv, Tr, Wb, Ys, Zc: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

scan11 (Tr as the freq setup reference station) Bd, Ef, Hh, Jb, Nt, On, Sv, Tr, Wb, Ys, Zc: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285