
Session: Nov 2000 (session 4)
Wavelength: 3.6 cm


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Experiment Feedback

Medicina (orfei at Sun Nov 12 22:28:01 MET 2000) Success
non known problems

Onsala (A. Polatidis at Mon Nov 13 02:30:25 MET 2000) Success

Effelsberg (A. Kraus at Mon Nov 13 08:56:07 MET 2000) Minor failures
Problems with the tape drive lead to the loss of data between UT1546-1654 and UT1709-1725.

Yebes (Paco Colomer at Mon Nov 13 09:35:26 MET 2000) Failure
Fault component in MKIV formatter prevented participation.

VLBA (Tony Foley at Thu Nov 16 11:34:41 MET 2000) Minor failures
We could only observe until 12:05UT as all sources were out of Hour Angle range after that. Phasing at 13cm had to be done BY HAND, as the software had a bug for that band only. This is the first time 13cm has been used on the phased array. Beware of possible polarization swap! Phasing at 3.6cm was influenced by the weather.

VLBA (Tony Foley at Thu Nov 16 11:34:45 MET 2000) Minor failures
We could only observe until 12:05UT as all sources were out of Hour Angle range after that. Phasing at 13cm had to be done BY HAND, as the software had a bug for that band only. This is the first time 13cm has been used on the phased array. Beware of possible polarization swap! Phasing at 3.6cm was influenced by the weather.

VLBA (Tony Foley at Thu Nov 16 11:34:50 MET 2000) Minor failures
We could only observe until 12:05UT as all sources were out of Hour Angle range after that. Phasing at 13cm had to be done BY HAND, as the software had a bug for that band only. This is the first time 13cm has been used on the phased array. Beware of possible polarization swap! Phasing at 3.6cm was influenced by the weather.

Westerbork (Tony Foley at Thu Nov 16 11:34:56 MET 2000) Minor failures
We could only observe until 12:05UT as all sources were out of Hour Angle range after that. Phasing at 13cm had to be done BY HAND, as the software had a bug for that band only. This is the first time 13cm has been used on the phased array. Beware of possible polarization swap! Phasing at 3.6cm was influenced by the weather.

Westerbork (Tony Foley at Thu Nov 16 11:35:04 MET 2000) Minor failures
We could only observe until 12:05UT as all sources were out of Hour Angle range after that. Phasing at 13cm had to be done BY HAND, as the software had a bug for that band only. This is the first time 13cm has been used on the phased array. Beware of possible polarization swap! Phasing at 3.6cm was influenced by the weather.

Noto (C.Trigilio at Mon Nov 20 16:59:56 MET 2000) Failure
For mistake the schedule was generated by using the previous version of drudg (with a bug in the time field), and was not re-created with the new version. Tape sent anyway.