EVN Experiments - Feb 2002

Feedback from each EVN station, for any given experiment, can be obtained by clicking on the appropriate experiment name in the session schedule presented below.

Information is also available regarding station problems that affected the ENTIRE session, or one particular observing wavelength (click on the appropriate wavelength below).

5.0 cm

P.I. Project
Polatidis FTT Fringe Test System check
Voronkov EV012B L1206+GL2789
Pestalozzi EP039B Missing flux of 6.7 GHz maser
Philipps EP041B Methanol in W51

18. cm

P.I. Project
Mantovani EM047 CSSs from S4 survey
Conway EC018 IRAS-BGS
Reynolds N02L1 J1159+2914
Diamond ED020 Megamasers
Leon EL028 Nearby Seyfert galaxies
Rovilos ER012A 08201+2802
Rovilos ER012B 10339+1548
Rovilos ER012C 12032+1548
Pihlstroem EP040 IIIZw35
Polatidis EP042A Zw049.57
Polatidis EP042B Zw049.57
Snellen ES042C Young sources innearby universe
Polatidis EP042C IIIZw35
Beswick EB018A NGC7674
Baan EB022 Arp220
Lonsdale GL026 Arp220
Porcas GP030B Grav. lens 2016+112
Beswick EB018B NGC7469

3.6 cm

P.I. Project
Polatidis GP032 PR + CJ1 Surveys
Reynolds N02X1 NME/WB test
Kharb GK022 3C66B+3C78 3C264+3C270
Massaro EM043C ON231

List of 2 letter station codes .

EVN Home Page

Comments/suggestions to Cormac Reynolds