; EVN ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ;!EVN pipeline ;!Cormac Reynolds- Feb 2001: original script adapted from Phil ;! Diamond's BD46.RUN ;# ;--------------------------------------------------------------- EVN LLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUU CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC EVN: Pipeline to reduce EVN data TMASK 0 => run all tasks from fitld to imagr, 1 => run fitld only, 2=> uvflg/indxr, 3 => plots, 4 => amp calibration, 5 => fringe-fit, 6 => bandpass, 7 => plots, 8 => split, 9 => multi file, 10 => first round of mapping, 11 => continue mapping, 12 => contour plot, 13 => plot ant. sensitivities, 14=> tasav/prthi, -n => tasks n through to the end. NSRC Number of sources SRCLST Source list. The calibrator with the most data should be listed first. CALSRCLST List of calibrator sources BPASSLST List of bandpass calibrator sources NPAIRS Number of phase-ref pairs. PREFLST List of phase-ref pairs GLOBAL >1 => run VLOG and ANTAB for VLBA stations INTAPE Number of Tape drive FITSFILE Name of FITS file, if located on disk ('' => file on tape) NHEADS Number of heads correlated (if separate file for each pass through the correlator) NFITS Number of FITS files (per head). INDI Indisk IN2D Outdisk (must be the same as indi for now) REFANT Ref. ant. for fring and calib REFAN2 Secondary ref. ant. for fring and calib. PLOTREF Ref. ant. for plotting routines OINT Correlator averaging time (sec) AVG Time to average data (<=4). 0 => no averaging. SOLCAL Solution interval for fring (mins) PLOTAVG Averaging time for VPLOT (mins) SCITER Number of iterations of self-cal/imagr. NIF Number of IFs in the data. BADIF List of IFs which should not be plotted (e.g. 'R1') NCHAN Number of Channels per IF. POLS Polarizations to be used, 'LL', 'RR', or 'D' CPOLS 1 if crosshands are present and plot is desired, 0 otherwise. DIR Directory containing antab and flag files. DIR2 Output directory for plot files when doprint=-2. DOEDIT 1 => automatic editing DELCH 1 => flag outer channels of each IF using flag file. EXPNAME Experiment name - must match name of antab and flag files OBSBAND Observing band (defaults only set for X/C/L for now) DOPRINT 1 => plot using tkpl, -1 => plot on printer, -2 => plot to ps files, 0 => do not plot --------------------------------------------------------------- EVN Type: Procedure Use: EVN calibrates continuum EVN data. Type 'RUN EVN' to load the procedure, then set up the appropriate inputs and type 'EVN' to run the procedure. Adverbs: TMASK.......Choose tasks to run. 0 => Run all tasks 1 => FITLD and MSORT. 2 => UVFLG and INDXR 3 => LISTR, DTSUM, VPLOT and POSSM 4 => ANTAB, APCAL 5 => FRING 6 => BPASS 7 => SNPLT of FRING solutions, VPLOT and POSSM plot of calibrated data 8 => SPLIT 9 => MULTI and INDXR individual source files and automatic flagging with VPLOT (if doedit=1). 10 => First iteration of CALIB and IMAGR 11 => Second iteration of CALIB and IMAGR 12 => Contour plot of map, visibilities and model against time and plots of Closure phases. 13 => Plot the antenna sensitivities (results of a priori caln. and self-cal combined). 14=> TASAV of the calibration tables, and FITTP the results. PRTHI. -n => run all tasks starting from tmask n through to the end (e.g. tmask=-4 runs tasks from ANTAB through to map/sensitivity plots and TASAV). NSRC........Number of sources to be calibrated. SRCLST......Source list. The calibrator with the most data should be listed first as this will be most useful for the diagnostics, e.g. the sensitivity plot. CALSRCLST...Calibrator sources to be used in FRING. BPASSLST....Calibrator sources to be used in BPASS. NPAIRS......Number of phase-reference pairs (0 if all sources are to be self-calibrated). PREFLST.....List of phase-ref pairs. This should be a list ordered so that element 1 is the first phase-reference source, element 2 is the target to be calibrated by this source, element 3 is the second phase-ref source and element 4 its target, etc. GLOBAL......if >0 run VLOG and ANTAB for VLBA stations. Assumes the vlba.cal and vlba_gains.key files have been concatenated in a file called $IN/.vlbacal INTAPE......Number of Tape drive to be used FITSFILE....Name of FITS file containing data, if located on disk rather than tape. NHEADS......Number of heads correlated. There should be one FITS file for each pass through the correlator. These should have the name FITSFILE.1 and FITSFILE.2, where FITSFILE is the task parameter given above. NFITS.......Number of FITS files (should be 0 for 2 head data). If NFITS > 0, files must have name FITSFILE where goes from 1 through to the number of files. Otherwise single file with name FITSFILE is assumed. INDI........Indisk. IN2D........Must be the same as INDISK for now. REFANT......Reference antenna for CALIB and FRING. REFAN2......Secondary reference antenna to be used when REFANT is unsuitable. PLOTREF.....Reference antenna for plotting routines. Should be different to REFANT if REFANT is missing an IF. OINT........The correlator averaging time of the data (sec). AVG.........Time to which data should be averaged (sec). <= 4 recommended. 0 means no averaging. SOLCAL......The solution interval for FRING (mins). PLOTAVG.....Averaging time (mins) for visibilities in VPLOT. SCITER......Number of iterations of self-cal and imagr to be run. Alternates between 'phase only' and 'amp and phase' self-cal. POLS........Polarizations to be considered. Values are 'RR'=> RCP, 'LL'=> LCP, 'D'=> Dual Poln. (RCP and LCP). Do not include any polarizations which are not present in the data. ' ' => dual. CPOLS.......1 if crosshands correlations are present and you want a POSSM plot of the uncalibrated crosshand visibilities, 0 otherwise. NIF.........Number of IFs in the data. This is used by the plotting routines only; the calibration routines use default values for bif and eif which accept all the IFs. BADIF.......List of IFs which should not be plotted with VPLOT. AIPS will crash if you try to VPLOT an IF with no data, so use this adverb to specify any IFs (between 1 and nif) which have no data on any baseline. Names are of the form 'R1', 'L1', etc. NCHAN.......Number of Channels per IF. DIR.........The full path name of the directory containing the ANTAB and FLAG files. DIR2........The full path name of the output directory for plot files when using doprint=-2. DOEDIT......1 => automatic editing with VPLOT, 0 => no editing. DELCH.......1 => flag outer channels using flag file in directory DIR with filename ch.flag. EXPNAME.....The experiment name - must match the name of the ANTAB and FLAG files. The ANTAB file is assumed to be called DIR/EXPNAME.antab and the flag file is assumed to be DIR/EXPNAME.flag. OBSBAND.....Observing band: 'X', 'C' or 'L' currently allowed. DOPRINT.....Specify the plotting device: 1 => plot using TKPL. -1 => send plots directly to printer (jet8 in the JIVE visitors room). -2 => print to postscript files in directory DIR2. 0 => do not plot. ---------------------------------------------------------------